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INTENTIONALLY CHOOSE TO USE: B CORP Products that compound our impact that we highly regard

Updated: Apr 23, 2022

Want to try a B Corporation Product but don't want to "Buy & Toss"? Lean on me for straight talk on our experiences and to help set expectations.

High performing, ethically sourced, sustainable, safe products.

Their Story & Website

Only B Corp Products that our family personally uses are listed here. Ask us about any of them.

This is my authentic experience with B Corp products by intentionally researching, searching and purchasing products that I feel best fit our lifestyle, climate, accessibility and our family members preferences. I didn't dream of one day researching safer products or caring how they affect our health. I assumed as a consumer if I could purchase them, they must be safe. Because every toy has tons of warnings for things you would never even use the toy for. Everything WAS great, until August 11, 2015, her 8th grade school registration day and the day it WASN'T great. Diagnosis Day: You daughter has Type 1 Diabetes and Hashimoto's and they are life long chronic illnesses without a cure, here is what you need to do to sustain a healthy life for her and with her.

Our journey had begun, one bite at a time, one step at a time, one finger poke at a time, one insulin shot at a time, one hug at a time, one fear at a time, one sleepless night at a time, one doctor visit at a time, one tear at a time, one new piece of knowledge at a time, one new bit of acceptance at a time, and one constant lingering thought - How did this happen? I am convinced: If I knew then, what I know now, I would have made different consumer choices. Safer Products, Ethical Sourcing, Sustainability, Transparent information for consumers and creating a ripple impact for the good of others by my small intentional choices every day.




Where you can find the products

  • Brick & Mortar Stores you can shop in with\without a consultant added at checkout

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